Sunday, November 28, 2004

printf("Hello, World!");

After browsing some friend's blog I thought I might happen to have something to say from time to time. So I just opened this blog. The subject will be focussed on my job and the industry I work in.
I'm a senior programmer at a small French company. We create a range of electronic /software musical instruments for Mac and PC. Most of the products are edited under our own brand but our flagship product (a very well known Software Sampler) is distributed by one of the big names of the industry.
I'll try to keep my rambling about music technology unrelated with the day to day events at work because on the one hand it would probably bore you to death ;), and on the other hand I'm not sure my bosses would love to see me expose the guts of the company to strangers, or worse, to competitors :D.
However, being one of the authors of some opensource software, i'll be able to be very accurate about this second part of my job, as we use the NGL and NUI (LGPL libs) in our products.
The changes in NUI can be very interesting to anyone interested in computer graphics, as this lib implements a complete 2D graphic library on top of OpenGL. In other words we are doing the same as Apple's Quartz and Microsoft's Avalon, except we do it in a multiplatorm way (MacOSX, Win32, Linux, BSD...), and we build it as free software...
I'll probably also have occasional things to say about the struggle you face when you mix free and proprietary software: what should go where? How do I decide that feature X will end up in NUI or in the GUI toolkit of my application? Can I really change that choice once the code is done and in the CVS server?
I might rant about Macs vs PCs as I have a love-hate relation with both (ok, I confess, I'm more a PC guy ;-)).
The C++ standard comity might also be a regular target, because even if I do respect the vast amount of work related to the maintenance of the language, I would really love them to wake up to reality of the programming world and the hell they often lay on us when taking some impossible decision!

I hope I'll soon have something to say about a little secret project that we are currently working on, together with a CS student, and that we plan to release as LPGL as well, once we pushed it in the next revision of our sampling engine... More about that later.

French being my native langage, I end up making lots of mistakes in English. I'm sorry about that, but please do correct me! I want to learn and I would really love to speak English fluently one of these days...


Temujin said...


Your blog I found while searching Google for information of Tenon Intersystems MachTen. Do you or did you use this product ?

I am looking for people experienced in compiling and porting apps in MachTen, especially if they can from time to time help me, a non programmer who' skills are lapsed for many years, understand how to do this and maybe oneday make some use of a very good idea on a nice classic system.


Unknown said...

Sorry but I don't know the product you're talking about at all.